app overview

FlixTools does all the work for you. Instinctively.

FlixTools, The tailor for your movies.

Multi Download

Forget one by one downloads. With FlixTools, you can download subtitles for as many movies at the same time as you like, simultaneously and effortlessly.

Powerful Subtitle Search

Search for subtitles using movie names, IMDB ID’s, or simply drag-and-drop the movie files to find the subtitles you are looking for.

Automatic Download

FlixTools can watch a folder on your computer you define for new movie files. Once there is a new movie, FlixTools will download the subtitles for you automatically.

Auto Conversion to iTunes

FlixTools converts your videos automatically into iTunes compatible format, including subtitles, metadata, cover art and more, and adds it into your iTunes library.

Subtitle Synchronization

FlixTools will adjust the timing of your subtitles so that they will match your movie precisely.

Shift Suggestion

FlixTools analyzes your video and suggests the perfect shift amount so that your subtitles are always synced perfectly.

Multi Upload

Forget one by one uploads. With FlixTools, you can upload subtitles for as many movies at the same time as you like, simultaneously and effortlessly.

Free: OS VIP Membership

Become a full VIP member of, which will allow you to use the website without any ads, much higher daily download limits and all other VIP membership benefits.


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